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Zeoco Natural Detox Support

Zeoco Natural Detox Support

Regular price $29.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $29.00 USD
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Zeolite with activated charcoal powder. Zeoco a natural product from the natural mineral zeolite. It can bind to pollutants and toxins in the gastrointestinal tract like a sponge and naturally draw them out. 

The perfect compliment to a candida cleanse for removing the toxins and providing fast relief from the symptoms of candida die off and the Herxheimer reaction

This blend has all the benefits of the pure Zeolite Powder but is blended with Activated Charcoal Powder that has been produced from bamboo.

Indigestible Zeolite is readily excreted with stool via the intestines without burdening the metabolism


Zeolites & Activated Charcoal – For Absorbing Candida Die-Off Toxins 

Candida die-off is a negative reaction caused by the rapid removal of the Candida yeast from the body. It’s also referred to as Herxheimer reaction or herxing.

Herx reaction refers to an adverse response to toxins released by bacteria and fungus when they are killed by antibiotics and anti fungal medications.

When the Candida fungus die during a Candida Cleanse they release many toxins that are responsible for causing the healing reaction. As the toxins circulate through your system, your body will respond by having a healing reaction. This is a good sign that the treatment is working. Zeolites work by absorbing toxins from the blood and help to detox the body at a deeper level. In addition to absorbing the toxins from the Candida die off, zeolites also absorb a variety of other toxic materials like heavy metals and radiation.

Add Zeoco for a complete candida cleanse kit

Many of our clients have found that using Zeoco Detox Support and EM Probiotics in combination with CCWS Candida Cleanse makes the die off symptoms during the healing crisis candida die-off phase much smoother.

We provide both of these for you in our CCWS full treatment package and CCWS family package.

We highly suggest these packages as the Zeolites, Activated Charcoal and Probiotics help greatly with ushering the toxins released by the dying fungus out of the body, relieving a lot of the candida die-off symptoms, making your whole candida cleanse and detox a lot more pleasant.

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